Obviously someone already gave an explanation of what a toolchain is, so just have a look here ...not a big deal. In this specific case I'm talking about the GNU toolchain, which I compiled for my thesis project. This page is not about the thesis, but you can download the toolchain here.
Also have a look at this website.
Pretty simple: the following are the compilation flags I used:
dacav@mithril$ arm-elf-gcc -v Using built-in specs. Target: arm-elf Configured with: ./configure --target=arm-elf --prefix=/usr/local/arm7-swfp/ --enable-interwork --enable-multilib --with-float=soft --enable-languages=c --with-newlib --with-headers=../newlib-1.16.0/newlib/libc/include Thread model: single gcc version 4.2.2 dacav@mithril$
This toolchain can be used to program a ARM7TDMI based microcontroller.
Yep, not cot conventional, indeed. The cpio format is just an archive format (something like tar, it's also used for ramfs and friends). 7z instead stands for 7 zip, which is a compression format:
dacav@mithril$ cd /usr/local/ dacav@mithril$ ls arm7-swfp/ etc/ lib/ sbin/ src/ bin/ include/ man@ share/ Toolchain_Arm7.swfp.cpio.7z dacav@mithril$ du -sh arm7-swfp/ Toolchain_Arm7.swfp.cpio.7z 91M arm7-swfp/ 15M Toolchain_Arm7.swfp.cpio.7z dacav@mithril$